As one of the events scheduled to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council, the Vatican Secret Archives and Scrinium presented at the Old Synod Hall Exemplaria Praetiosa V – Humanae Salutis, a precious replica of the papal bull that convened Vatican Council II, is a true copy of the original document preserved in the Secret Vatican Archives under the reference number ASV, Instr. Misc. 7934.
Produced in a strictly limited edition certified by the Prefect of the Vatican Secret Archives, the work presented on this occasion is an impressively precise and accurate replica of the historic papal bull, which bears the signatures of the Blessed John XXIII and of the 61 Council Fathers.
For this very special occasion, His Excellency Msgr. Jean-Louis Bruguès, Archivist and Librarian of the Holy Roman Church, opened the proceedings with a welcoming address and a blessing of this praiseworthy project. Msgr. Sergio Pagano, prefect of the Vatican Secret Archives, author of the historical Commentary that illustrates the work, and an expert on Vatican Council II, delivered an interesting talk, retracing the complex phases in which the Bull was drafted, and emphasizing the document’s importance as a preview of the subject matters to be treated by the Council.
Many eminent members of the academic world, both lay and religious, attended the presentation of this exclusive edition of the Humanae Salutis bull promoted by the Vatican Secret Archives and entrusted to Scrinium.